Smells good?

in February 27, 2025

I love massage! So I decided to treat myself to one.

The facilities were extremely nice, surrounded by nature and silence

Before the massage I asked to use the bathroom, but there wasn't one.

The massage went well, with warm scented oils.

I should have chosen longer

in January 31, 2025

This man in his 30s came to my space for the first time.

After a brief conversation, he opted for the shorter 45 minutes massage.

He was afraid he wouldn't like it, as it was the first massage of his life.

Full body or local massage

in October 28, 2024

It's common in massage to do a full body massage, where all the body is massaged allowing a person to fully relax and by working on the full body, every part is irrigated and feels the benefits of it.

On a local massage, you choose which part of your body you want to be massaged.

Personalize your massage

in June 25, 2024

This man in his 50s came for a massage.

Very nice, smooth talk, foreigner residing in Portugal.

The massage went well, he said he enjoyed it and would return again.

I´ll be back

in June 12, 2024

This gentleman in his 40s booked a massage. 

He needed a little time to relax and take a break from his busy life. He arrived in a hurry, saying he had little time.  

I explained the massages to him, he chose and when I told him to undress...  

The phone rings. 

I just came to see what this is all about it...

in January 26, 2024

This simple man in his 50s came for his first time at a Tantra massage.

He had called before, a few months ago, but was skeptic to try it, but today he was in pain, his body ache and he said to himself, today I'm going to see what this is all about it, and so he finally came.

Brain shut off

in July 21, 2023

It's common for clients to read Tantra massage and their minds associate it to something extra.

So it was the case of this client in his 30s.

Ring ring... blablabla

in June 23, 2023

Unusual situations happen.  

All clients are different, so this man in his 40s came in for a tantra massage of 45 minutes.

Take a risk, step into another world

in June 15, 2023

This young man in his 30s came to discover a new form of relaxation. 

With no experience in tantra massages, he was a little shy and nervous, but here he was.

Time went by so fast!

in May 19, 2023

Over the phone this man in his 50s immediately started talking about the price of the massage. 

- Well that's really a bit expensive... Other places charge less... 

What a change

in May 17, 2023

This man in his 50s decided to try a body to body massage. 

He wasn't comfortable, a little suspicious and reticent, after all it was his first time here. 

Hot session!

in April 27, 2023

All ready for a therapy session.  

The client (in his 40s) arrives, the conversation went well as it is an important part of the therapy as well. And of course, the analysis and exercises afterward which are done directly on the penis.

How much to dig you in?

in April 21, 2023

This strong man (in his 50s) came in for a massage. The conversation was short as the time was getting late. - "Give me a discount so I can come back... this is the first time I come here..." ...bla bla...


in June 17, 2020

Closed at home, no hugs, no kisses, no touches...

This client found refuge in his house, closed inside 4 walls.
In his life did he ever spent so much time without having a conversation, to go out for a walk, stopping at a coffee shop making small talk with the waitress, to go to the supermarket and talk to the stranger standing next to him in queue...

Just for laughs

in January 30, 2020

I know! When you come to a massage, you have no idea what it'll be and who you'll find on the other side, I hate to say it, but it works both ways, the masseuse doesn't know who will arrive...
And to spice things up, some scenes are just for laughs!


in January 10, 2020

life web

Massages are as old as men, at least in the East, and have been around all over the world for many centuries. Many men however are still unaware of the benefits that human touch brings to their body.

Trick or Treat in the bed...

in October 30, 2019

And for Halloween let's spice up your sex life with some tricks... using only your imagination...