My trip to the countryside

in January 17, 2021

The first time I decided to go to the countryside for 2 days ... I left home and thought it would be great to breathe fresh air, silence, surrounded by nature. And there I went. I arrived at the country, get set and went for a walk. I took several pictures and in the near distance I could hear the wind fans, vruum vruumm

Night came and as the cold was already setting, I thought of turning on the fireplace, since I am in the country, I will do like the country folks.  

It took me almost 2 hours to light the fireplace, the wood logs didn’t light on, I spent almost all the firelighters and even went to the street to look for branches to make the fire started. 

Why doesn't this light up? I finally got there, but what was that...

I went to the bathroom and when I returned to the living room, a thick fog covered the entire place, I could barely see the sofa, my eyes were burning, the smell of smoke was so strong that I coughed ...  

I ran and open the doors, the windows and fled to the street. 

After a few long minutes while freezing outside I thought, this never happened to me in the city.  

When the fog disappeared, the fire had already started and the room was starting to heat up. But as cold as I was, I went to the bedroom where the electric heater was my salvation.

But the night wasn't over ... If during the day the fans were barely noticeable, at night the vruummm was bigger, but I thought, I'm in the country so relax. Forget the fans out there. 

Then I started to hear the cars passing by on the highway far away, at high speeds. But again I said to myself, you're in the country, relax.  

I was about to fall asleep when cars passed right by my window, 1, 2, 3 and I was counting the cars. But I smiled and said to myself, this is the country. 

After a while, resigned to the countryside life, the symphony began... dogs from all sides agreed at that time of the night to bark, it was a hellish noise.

I thought to myself, crap, in the city there isn't such noise, there are more people, cars, animals and even so I sleep peacefully at night.   

But I managed to fall asleep. 

The next day when I woke up, my whole body ached, the mattress on the bed was horrible and to complete the scene the whole house stink of smoke.  
I came to the terrace and sat in the morning cold. Cold, cool air, instead of the house's smoke-pit.
Smiling I went and got dressed to go for a walk in the countryside.  
The day went well, I visited beautiful places. I strolled a lot.  
The day flew by, I went on a journey through places never before traveled. I even forgot all the troubles of the previous night.  
When I returned home, I thought I would take a second chance and light the fireplace again. I was sure that by now I was an expert and it will run better than the day before. So I did... 

What a bad idea! After 3 trips to the street to collect branches and twigs, I spent all the firelighters, even paper, but the damn logs didn't catch fire.
How do people turn this on??? Does it comes with an on/off button? Is this supposed to light up or is it just for decoration? 
Finally it caught fire and again the fog settled. 
Oh misery, why did I light this. What was in my mind? 
There I went outside into the cold, opened the entire house and thought, somebody may come inside, a house on the side of the road all open at this late hour... I'll probably gonna get robbed... 
I closed the house and went to the bedroom, the darkness and the fog started to spread to the rest of the house, as I went to the bathroom, I looked and thought... 
Oh my it looks like a scene from a horror movie, the only thing missing is Freddy Kruegger or that guy from Friday the 13th, because the stage is already set. 
I entered the bedroom and locked myself in there. 
And I thought... if the doorknob rotates I'm bouncing out the window.
Then the noises started, the fans, the cars faraway and just outside the house, the dogs and adding to all this, the noises and clicks of the house itself ... I was terrified.  

I thought, so I came to the country to relax and I'm hiding in the bedroom, afraid of the darkness. 

The silence I thought I had, does not exist.  

The smell of fresh air was gone, because everything smells like smoke from the fireplace.  

Even I stink of smoke but I lacked the courage to go to the bathroom to take a shower. 

So... At 1 am I said, that's ENOUGH, I'm leaving!  

And furious I grabbed my stuff, put on my coat over my pajama. Opened the door expecting no one to be on the other side and run outside, turning on all the lights.  

I peeked out the window to see if anyone was walking down the road and flew to the car. 

I drove like crazy from there. 

At 3 am I was at home, shower taken, in the warmth and comfort of my bed and for a moment I heard... nothing!  

Oh how wonderful, the "noise" of the city!

***Ines Silva website***