Full body or local massage

in October 28, 2024

It's common in massage to do a full body massage, where all the body is massaged allowing a person to fully relax and by working on the full body, every part is irrigated and feels the benefits of it.

On a local massage, you choose which part of your body you want to be massaged.

Full body
When you have pain or are recovering from an injury, a local massage really helps a lot.

But I would complement that healing process with a full body massage, it will help your body to recover faster and to feel happier as your well-being increases.

Every part of your body is connected so instead of activating one part, is so much better to activate the body.

It reminds me of doctors.

Nowadays you have so many specialties, liver doctor, heart doctor, spleen doctor, poor guy the urologist and so on.

And by treating only one part of the body, they forgot to look at it in is whole.

Because a situation in the liver, may have originated in the kidneys or somewhere else.

You get a treatment for only that organ but it may not be the right one, it may not even be the origin. That's why so many have wrong diagnosis nowadays and sometimes when they do find the origin, because of the medicine you already had, you've damaged other organs.

Always better to treat the whole body instead of one part.

That's my assessment.

Take care!

 *Visit my website and check my massages*