This year was a complete surprise, I had an invitation to go to London.
Visit the city, wonderland and ferris wheel.
Great time, in spite of the rain and cold, there was a bit of sun.
Transform your energy, raise your vitality. Deep well-being, reconection and balance.
This year was a complete surprise, I had an invitation to go to London.
Visit the city, wonderland and ferris wheel.
Great time, in spite of the rain and cold, there was a bit of sun.
This was a trip I wanted to take for a long time.
And this year it was a reality. With a lot to visit, I chose the North of Portugal, a part of the country I know little about and moved on.
A few months ago I tried a walk in group. Never done it and I thought it might be fun.
What a mistake to make!!!
We were more than 30 people, between women and men. And of course the 2 guides.
The cell phone rings and a voice on the other end said - "Congratulations!"
I replied - "but it's not my birthday today!"
He continued - "It's not your birthday... but it is our anniversary!"
On one of my walks I came to a sign with the following information, short trail and long trail. From far away and along the long trail, some scouts were coming, they seemed to be around 11-year-old, so I thought if they are doing that and so easily it's because it's easy, so I'll take the short trail, what would the difficulty be, I thought...
The first time I decided to go to the countryside for 2 days ... I left home and thought it would be great to breathe fresh air, silence, surrounded by nature. And there I went. I arrived at the country, get set and went for a walk. I took several pictures and in the near distance I could hear the wind fans, vruum vruumm