Trip to Almonds Blossom

in March 21, 2024

This was a trip I wanted to take for a long time.  

And this year it was a reality. With a lot to visit, I chose the North of Portugal, a part of the country I know little about and moved on.

After a few contacts, a client was selected to be part of this trip and off we went.

Almonds blossom

The choice of the days changed a little, as I wanted 2 days of sun and at the end of February, the rain gave us a chance. 

An after a careful analysis, I chose the 2 days in which the sun appeared to keep us company our entire journey. 

Thanks for the good weather. 

The trip went well and we stopped to visit the Historic Villages. Trancoso, Mêda, Longroiva, Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Torre de Moncorvo, Vila Flor, Alfândega da Fé (where we stayed the night in a very charming hotel), heading the next day to Mogadouro, Freixo de Espada à Cinta and Trancoso.

Alfandega da Fe

Everywhere we looked the view was magnificent, fields of almond trees, vineyards and olive groves as far as the eye could see.  

It was tiring, we left early and arrived late, but it was a treat for the eyes and all the senses.  

The aromas, the fresh air, the small villages with fortifications and so many churches.  

The good food, and of course on a trip like this I brought almonds! Among other delights. 

Penedo Durao

2 days that flew by. On a trip like this, having good company by my side is essential and mine was. 

The road at one point had a lot of curves and my traveling partner was scared, as he is used to highways and such roads are nothing like straight, but we got over it, and lived. 

And next year, where will I go to see the Almond Trees in Bloom?  

Will you come with me this time?  

Until then...

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