Happy birthday!

in October 4, 2022

The cell phone rings and a voice on the other end said - "Congratulations!" 

I replied - "but it's not my birthday today!"  

He continued - "It's not your birthday... but it is our anniversary!"


"It's been X years since I came here for the first time.  

You were and are very important to me, it was a phase in my life that you helped a lot.  

You hold a very special place in my heart.  

And I never forget you."

This is a story of a Client who became a Friend. 

Friendships of several years happen and survive over time.  

Because massage goes beyond simple touch, it is a union that is formed and remains in the heart of those who come here long after their last visit.

So Congratulations to us!  

Congratulations to you for taking this step!  

Congratulations to me for meeting you and having spent so many pleasant moments through our conversations, lunches and snacks.  

A very sweet kiss for the "Prince"!

*** Massage Center ***