London visit

in December 23, 2024

This year was a complete surprise, I had an invitation to go to London.

Visit the city, wonderland and ferris wheel.

Great time, in spite of the rain and cold, there was a bit of sun. 

First time in London but I found it to be pretty easy to go around the city.

Wonderland in London

Small subway carriages and 2 floor buses. And I ride all of them.

I enjoyed the trip with all the new things I saw and discovered.

Everything seems big there, the shops, the amusements, the city with so many tourists and locals.

The pubs filled with happy people that take the last subway home in a cheerful mood and singing.


A wonderful time in a good company, that's all one need to relax. Have fun. Be happy.

Discover some different shops and typical areas of London, like the Rolling Stones shop and Soho district.

Rolling Stones

Visited Chinatown with it's many lamps, casino, restaurants and tourists.

Lots of erotic shops as well. 

Christmas time in London was great!

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