My Christmas present

in January 24, 2025

The first time I saw him, we had a long conversation, mainly about sexual health, which of course implies health in general.  

The massage relaxed him and this man in his 40s left with the promise that when he returned he would bring me something, which we had discussed during the conversation.  


Months passed and this client who works in another country finally appeared. 

It was the month of December, he had returned to his country, Portugal, for the holidays and some rest.  

When he arrived he handed me a bag, saying it was my Christmas present.  

We talked a little before the massage and I was happy to find out, he changed some small things in his routine and diet. 


In the end he said look, your gift is a bag of salt!  

Celtic salt.

Something we had talked the first time he came and something he now uses regularly. 

I was happy, he remembered and even brought one for me!


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