On whatsapp I receive daily several messages, some crazy ones and this was an example of one...
This person, text me several messages asking for a massage. I asked for him to call and he did, claiming about the price of the massage and said no, after all I don't want to book.
A few days later he texted, wanting a massage course online, I would talk and he would do it on someone else. He called but at the time I was busy, so I wasn't able to figure out what exactly was his idea.
Time went by and he texted again, this time he wanted a tantra massage on himself online. After a few messages exchanged, his idea was to do a video call, where he would do the steps of the massage himself and I would undress for him to watch and so on.
What a crazy subject.
Are you serious?
Is this the next level of craziness?
After making clear that I don't do video calls of that nature, I blocked him on Whatsapp.