I call her... but it's a tender name

in April 25, 2024

This client came in his 40s, during our conversation, he talked about his last relationship and called her whore and other ugly names.

According to him, those names were affectionate and shown love.

Unfortunately, he is not alone in this treatment.


Many people nowadays call ugly and completely offensive names saying they are tender ones.

I wonder what happened to honey, sweetie, darling, my love and so on. What happened that they treat the person they like with such gross and otly ugly names?

I personally, wouldn't like to be treated like that.

It's so rude, extremely unpleasant, so sad.

And what's worst, they think those are beautiful words...

Words have such tremendous power, when you call someone an ugly name, that's not beautiful, that's rude. It's not nice, it's gross.

Have people forgotten about tender, loving words, that can create worlds of magic and love?

Words so strong that once spoken can brighten the darkest heart.

Words that carry such strong and deep feelings capable of lighten up so many suns and last forever.

What happened?

Have those knight in shinning armors, those gentlemen, disappeared?

Are we to expect, next time we meet some one we like, to be treated worst than trash and be okay with it?

And even smile, so that the person feels good about himself for insulting us in our face?

Oh, sad times indeed!


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