My post are for LAUGHING

in August 29, 2023

This client in his 40s, a frequent commentator on my social media, paid me a visit. 

In the course of our conversation he said that sometimes he was afraid to comment, he thought that I might not like it.

But no. The publications I make are to educate and bring a smile on those who see it.  

Receiving funny comments - I love it! Never offends me. 

I love to laugh! Send more! 


Many publications are messages that people sent to me, and some very rude ones... which I face with a laugh and find on social media a way of sharing a small part of what I receive.

Without publishing names or contacts, anonymously and without reference to the person, however, many get offended by it. I wonder why?  


I appreciate that those who get in touch laugh, comment without offending anyone. 

Laughing is something everyone should do on a daily basis and I hope that with my publications I can bring a smile to your face and brighten your day!


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