Miss Congeneality

in August 22, 2023

I receive countless calls out of context, some funny others disrespectful.  

There is a great lack of ignorance about tantra massages and sexual therapy. 

And the association of this service with something of a sexual nature happens often, which has nothing to do with reality!


Many clients who contact me for the first time often state that I am much nicer in person than I am on the phone.  

With good reason!  

In view of the many silly phone calls I receive daily, I thought it best to adopt a formal and cordial posture on the phone.


It is also customary to immediately interrupt a call when the conversation level drops to negative temperatures.  

There are many people, both therapists and clients. And sometimes, the person calling me is not a possible client and won't ever be, so to avoid wasting time, I finish what will never be!
