Second wife

in May 3, 2023


When I opened the door I came across a familiar face (in his 60s) from a few years ago and I said - I haven't seen you for a long time!  

He said - Nor in a long or short time, it's the first time you see me.

I closed my mouth and acted like it was the first time indeed.

Over the bridge

The conversation went well, and then massage.  

At the end of the massage, while he was still lying down, he looks at me and says - I'm still thinking about what you said to me when I arrived...  

- More than 10 years ago, there was a lady I used to go for a massage in Gândara.  

- If it wasn't you, she was very like you. The voice is the same and the smile is like hers. Was it you?

River Zêzere

I looked at him and smiled as I realized he actually remembered me, despite years. 

I said - Yes it was me! 

He - Oh, I can't believe it, but I had this stuck in my throat and I had to ask you if it was you or not. Your smile and voice remain the same.  

- How many years I haven't seen her. Your number was ... but then I called several times and it was disconnected.  

Me - Yes, I changed my number at the time and warned as many clients as I could. Maybe you didn't memorize it and we lost touch.


Still very surprised - What a joy to see you again, I was far from imagining that I would meet you someday! I'll memorize your number and you keep mine!  

- I went there so many times, every month. We had long conversations. I never forgot you. I often remember you. Give me a hug...  

He gave me a hug like 2 longtime friends who met again in the course of life. 

 - You weren't just my masseuse, you were more than that, almost a second wife, ahahah ahaah, we used to talk so much...  

He left with the promise of returning to catch up.

Lago Azul

I get emotional when I realize how much I touch people.  

It's a wonderful feeling in this work, opening the door and bumping into a familiar face from years ago and hearing 

- I never forgot you and I remember you many times!

*Massage Center*