Alcohol and drugs affect sexually

in February 8, 2023

It is common for men to complain that the body does not react as it used to.  

This was the case of a man in his 40s, sad and unable to understand why his body systematically failed during the sexual act.  

He claimed and held that before, when he was 20 his body was always ready and quickly responded sexually.

Ines Silva

Alcohol and light drugs like marijuana were a constant and something he didn't give up.  

As I explained and pointed out to him, the use of alcohol and drugs creates constant numbness in the body, drowsiness and lowers testosterone levels, among other effects.  

None of which help with the sexual act.

Ines Silva
When the man wants to engage in sexual activity, he must be awake, or the act does not even start.  

As the body is "anesthetized", the sensations inherent to the act aren't felt with the intensity it should. 

Arousal level is low, penis response is non-existent.  

And then the man comes and says, 

I'm having erection problems, my body doesn't react to stimulation, bla bla bla. In fact, it doesn't react at all.  

The solution: stop using drugs and alcohol. Or, forget about sex!

 Ines Silva


***Tantra space in Leiria***