I want someone who likes me for me

in November 12, 2023

That's what all want. Many men come in here saying, I'm doing well and I don't need anyone in my life.
Not long after that statement, they come and say, oh I've found someone and I'm very happy, It's not a perfect situation, but in my age and with all my problems it's the best I can find/have.
People are content, they are often satisfied with what they get instead of looking more for what they really love.
At some point in their lives they give up.
One common sign is their appearance, they are often overweight, smoke, drink, eat all the wrong foods, contract several diseases, overall they show all the signs of someone who has given up a long ago, and for that reason they accept what they can, even if it's not what they like.
In their minds it's the best they can have.
In some part, they live happy with that choice. But it's the fear of being alone that thrives them to those decisions.
And they often return to the past, remembering all the days of their youth, when they had dreams of a perfect life with a perfect partner.
When you give up on yourself, you give up on life.
Happiness seems to have left the room... sadly they live in their past, still dreaming of a better life, that they now know, it's just a dream.